Psychoanalytic Participation: Action, Interaction, and Integration

Relational Psychoanalysis. Volume 2: Innovation and Expansion (Book Review)
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Second Year

The course will focus upon research approaches to issues confronting psychoanalysis both as an approach to understanding mind and as clinical practice. Psychoanalytic research deals with affirming the validity of the discipline of psychoanalysis and can be divided into four domains: outcome research, process research, developmental psychoanalytic research, and conceptual research. After attending the course, participants will be able to: — Describe the importance of empirical research to the viability of psychoanalysis. This course delves into the effects of sociocultural factors derived from ethnicity, nationality, race, class, and gender on configurations of the self, early development, and the salience of certain kinds of psychopathology.

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It further covers treatment issues involving resistance, transference, countertransference, modes of communication, and the structuring of the psychoanalytic relationship as these vary among patients from diverse cultures. After attending the course, participants will be able to: — Describe the effects of sociocultural factors on the self and early development. Clinical implications of multiple perspectives in psychoanalysis, along with developmental considerations in conceptualizing a therapeutic stance, will be discussed. After attending the course, participants will be able to: — Conceptualize a perspective or multiple perspectives in psychoanalysis that are applicable to a clinical case, utilizing one or more theoretical orientation.

This course utilizes candidate cases to introduce the structure of the psychoanalytic situation and the beginning phase of treatment. Topics include comparisons between psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, manifestations of transference, transference neurosis and resistance, free association and the use of the couch, the therapeutic alliance and acting-out.

After attending the course, participants will be able to: — Examine the beginning phase of treatment. This course will address the application of the processes studied in RPT4 to the difficult patient, the borderline and narcissistic individual—and differentiates between the opening, middle, and termination phases of treatment. Multiple theoretical points of view are considered in formulating a therapeutic stance and the varied bases for analytic technique. Concepts such as analyzability, the use of self, and the ability to symbolize are studied, along with their impact on the analytic process and on countertransference.

Candidate case material is used to illustrate and provide clinical focus for discussion. After attending the course, participants will be able to: — Define analyzability, the use of self, and the ability to symbolize as it pertains to clinical work. In a workshop format, participants learn the method to conceptualize the structure of a psychoanalytic case.

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Special emphasis will be placed on how to make the treatment presentation come alive. After attending the course, participants will be able to: — Demonstrate a clinical narrative that incorporates theoretical conceptualizations in a psychoanalytic case. This seminar prepares participants for professional clinical presentations. It focuses on the organization, presentation, and theoretical discussion of ongoing psychoanalytic treatment.

Participants take turns presenting cases.

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The instructor assigns readings relevant to the application of psychoanalytic theory to the understanding of personality problems and their treatment. After attending the course, participants will be able to: — Apply psychoanalytic theory to the understanding of personality problems and their treatment in a clinical case.

A comprehensive overview of the Relational School of psychoanalysis will be presented. Topics such as social constructivism, intersubjectivity, and the problem of gender are emphasized. The broad implications of a relational approach to analytic practice will be examined; particularly the changes in the way analysts think about and work with countertransference.

After attending the course, participants will be able to — Describe a historical framework for an understanding of the development of psychoanalysis as a theory and practice.

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Case material of a patient currently in treatment with a seminar member will be presented for ongoing detailed follow-up and discussion. The patient will be selected on the basis of usefulness for delineating transference-countertransference issues, dynamics, and aspects of technique.

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If so one would expect increased self-relatedness in depressed patients when compared to healthy subjects which is indeed the case as demonstrated recently Northoff, ; Grimm et al. In the Introduction, Aron and Harris make it clear that they are aware of the dangers of relational psychoanalysis becoming a school or of being vague and eclectic. The semiotic corresponds to the diffuse drive energy of auto-erotism and Kristeva takes up Freud's challenge to assess the psychical action of ego-formation that enables primary narcissism, which she attributes to a primary identification with the imaginary father. This is an important foundation and stimulus for the ability to sensitively and confidently enable patients to enter into and profit from psychodynamic therapy, with the goal of nurturing the unfolding therapeutic relationship…. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. Disturbances of the maturation process may lead—in a psychological developmental and psychoanalytical perspective—to the development of pathological defense mechanisms and the reactivation of early modes of internalization and object relationships e. Schaffer N

The aim is to help participants integrate theoretical knowledge with clinical understanding in making technical interventions and interpretations. Specific interests of the participants will be addressed along with relevant readings. After attending the course, participants will be able to — Describe their analytic patients through the integration of theoretical knowledge, clinical understanding, and technical skill. Advanced Dream Analysis focuses on post-Freudian contributions to the analysis of dreams.

Theory and technique are explored from different psychoanalytic perspectives. Topics covered include: contemporary emphasis on the manifest content, the primary process, and the dream context. In addition, self-state dreams, the implications of REM dream research, and initial dreams will be studied. Candidate presentations are integrated with the theoretical readings. After attending the course, participants will be able to: — Explain contemporary emphasis on the manifest content, the primary process, and the dream context.

Candidates are offered an opportunity to hear psychoanalysts present cases and participate in collegial discussions. The clinical issues of these cases will be discussed for their significance to analytic technique. The course will revisit the movement from the Topographic to Structural Theory.

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October 18, and October 25, Discussion will focus on case formulation involving diagnosis and technique. January 15, 22 — Time: 10 am — pm. The main areas to be covered will be severe personality disorders, psychotic conditions, the narcissistic-psychopathic continuum, and the schizoid-paranoid continuum. After attending the course, participants will be able to — Differentiate between understanding personality in terms of traits, even conceived dimensionally, versus in terms of intersubjective themes.

Meets 6 Wednesdays, September 13 — October 18, , Time: pm — pm This course provides a theoretical foundation on the centrality of infantile sexuality in our psychic constitution and examines how sexuality is always already refracted through culture. Brief clinical examples help link theoretical material to the consulting room. After attending the course, participants will be able to — Explain the centrality of how infantile sexuality informs human sexuality and the constitution of the subject.

October 14, Time: am — pm; — pm. It further describes and reflects on the differences between a psychoanalytic ethic of adaptation and a psychoanalytic ethic of disillusionment. Benjamin, J. Recognition and destruction: An outline of subjectivity. Brennan, B. Bromberg, P. Shadow and substance: A relational perspective on clinical process. Busch, F. Are we losing our mind? Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 49, Chodorow, N.

Toward a relational individualism: The meditation of self through psychoanalysis. Crastnopol, M. Davies, J. Dissocialize processes and transference-countertransference paradigms in the psychoanalytically oriented treatment of adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse.

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Eagle, M. Eigen, M. The area of faith in Winnicott, Lacan and Bion. Ghent, E. Masochism, submission, surrender: Masochism as a perversion of surrender. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 12, Greenberg, J.

In Relational psychoanalysis: The emergence of a traditioned. Mitchell L. Greenberg, J.

Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Harris, A. Gender as contradiction.

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Heller, M. Guimon Ed. The body in psychotherapy pp. Basil, Switzerland: Karger. Hoffman, I. Mills, J. A critique of relational psychoanalysis. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 22, Mitchell, S. Relational concepts in psychoanalysis. The wings of Icarus: Illusion and the problem of narcissism. Response to Silverman Psychoanalytic Psychology, 17, Psychodynamics, homosexuality, and the question of pathology.

Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 3, The psychoanalytic treatment of homosexuality: Some technical considerations. Studies in Gender and Sexuality, Ogden, T.