Encyclopedia of Espionage, Intelligence and Security, Volume 3 (R - Z, Index)

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The book concludes by considering the future of abortion politics through the more holistic lens of reproductive justice. Utilising a unique interdisciplinary approach, this book provides a major contribution to the knowledge base on abortion politics globally. It provides an accessible, informative and engaging text for academics, policy makers and readers interested in abortion politics.

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China firmly believes in the primacy of the right to subsistence and development, trying to reconcile its national exigencies with the demands of universal human rights. Moreover, China has also actively fulfilled its international human rights obligations through partnership with other countries over the past few decades. It is poised to make greater contributions to world human rights protection. In China and Foreign Aid, the authors expound on the critical role that Chinese foreign aid plays in the global governance system.

While unprecedented humanitarian crises undermine global peace and development, major aid donors from the West have scaled back on aid funding and left behind a lacuna. Since its establishment in the s, Chinese foreign aid has evolved with the times, departing from Eurocentric models and developing its own vision and philosophy. The book traces the historical development of Chinese foreign aid in areas such as infrastructure, governance support, trade, agriculture, healthcare, environmental conservation, humanitarian work, education, and culture.

Banding together the developing countries, China aspires to contribute her solutions for foreign aid to build a community with shared future for mankind. Driven by fast industrial developments and advancements in science and technology over the past few decades, global finance has become more powerful than ever before.

Starting Points

However, the global financial crisis and its decade-long aftermath have brought to the foreground the issue of financial security, making it an indispensable part of global governance. Terrorism has plagued modern society with countless issues. Ranging from politics to religion, terrorist organizations have used numerous means to manipulate humanity to the point of death and destruction.

In alone, the world saw more than 20, incidences of terrorist attacks. With these atrocities fueling widespread fear amongst civilians and weighing heavier on world leaders, international organizations like the United Nations have been u rgently developing counter-terrorism measures. In the context of rapid globalization worldwide over the past few decades, China has been trying to gain a louder voice in the international community.

In China and Global Governance, He Yafei, a renowned career diplomat, reviews the origin and evolution of the concept of global governance and describes the gradual shift from the present governance by the West, its monopoly of global affairs, to joint governance by East and West, which champions multipolarity. What Works Now? Pretschner, A. Almost all technical systems currently either interface with or are themselves largely software systems. Software systems must not harm their environment, but are also often vulnerable to security attacks with potentially serious economic, political, and physical consequences, so a better understanding of security and safety and improving the quality of complex software systems are crucial challenges for the functioning of society.

The lectures give an overview of the state of the art in the construction and analysis of safe and secure systems. Starting from the logical and semantic foundations that enable reasoning about classical software systems, they extend to the development and verification of cyber-physical systems, which combine computational and physical components and have become pervasive in aerospace, automotive, industry automation, and consumer appliances.

Safety and security have traditionally been considered separate topics, but several lectures in this summer school emphasize their commonalities and present analysis and construction techniques that apply to both. Kruszka, L. The main objective of the course was to bring together specialists working in the area of protecting critical infrastructure in NATO Member and Partner countries to share their knowledge and expertise.

One lecture block was dedicated to important legal aspects, as these differ from country to country. The other main topic areas included the structural design and protection of critical infrastructure, new materials and material analysis, and material and construction testing at elevated impact velocities via experiment and numerical simulation. New designs for critical infrastructure elements were also demonstrated. The course provided an ideal forum for speakers and participants from government, academia, and military bodies to exchange information and best practice, while at the same time creating links to foster further collaboration and the exchange of ideas about the protection of critical infrastructure, and the book will be of interest to all those whose work involves protecting critical infrastructure from the threat of terrorist attack.

Thompson, Mark R.

The Philippines is a fascinating example of a "poor country democracy" where issues of economic development and poverty, political participation and stability, as well as ethnicity and migration are crucial. The Routledge Handbook of the Contemporary Philippines provides a comprehensive overview of the current political, economic, social, and cultural issues of the country. In terms of domestic politics, chapters discuss clientelism, bossism, dynasties, pork barrel and corruption as well as institutions - the presidency, congress, the judiciary, the civil service, political parties, and civilian-military relations.

Regarding economics and social policy, authors examine industrial policy, capital flight, microfinance, technocracy, economic nationalism, poverty, social welfare programs, and livelihoods. Written by leading experts in the field, the Handbook provides students, scholars, and policymakers of Southeast Asia with an interdisciplinary resource on the evolving politics, society, and economics of the Philippines. The Routledge Handbook on Spaces of Urban Politics provides a comprehensive statement and reference point for urban politics. This handbook is organized into nine interrelated sections, with an introductory chapter setting out the rationale, aims and structure of the Handbook, and short introductory commentaries at the beginning of each part.

The various chapters explore the issues of urban politics of economic development, environment and nature in the city, governance and planning, the politics of labour as well as living spaces. With over forty-five contributions from leading international scholars in the field, this handbook provides critical reviews and appraisals of current conceptual and theoretical approaches and future developments in urban politics. It is a key reference to all researchers and policy-makers with an interest in urban politics.

This book focuses on social transformations as one of the central topics in the social sciences. The study of European social transformations is very valuable in the context of universal discussions within social sciences: explaining invariable, universal attributes of societies and examining changing attributes. The book consists of 20 chapters on European social transformations, written from the perspectives of distinguished scholars from such disciplines as economics, political science, educational science, geography, media and communication studies, public management and administration, social psychology and sociology.

The temporal and spatial range of the book is wide, including such global changes as time-space compression, focusing particularly on change processes in Europe during the last two decades. The book consists of four main parts, beginning with an overview of the theoretical and methodological approaches, and then focusing separately on post-communist transformations, institutional drivers of social transformations in the European Union, and European transformations in the context of global processes.

General Subject Areas of Luft's First 652 Publications

Get this from a library! Encyclopedia of espionage, intelligence, and security. Vol. 3 R - Z, Index. [Brenda Wilmoth Lerner; K Lee Lerner;]. E N C Y C L O P E D I A O F. Espionage, Intelligence, and Security. 3 volume. R– Z. INDEX. K. LEE LERNER AND BRENDA WILMOTH LERNER, EDITORS.

The book presents current theoretical, empirical and methodological approaches that complement the scientific literature on social transformations. This book is both an invaluable resource for scholars and an indispensable teaching tool for use in the classroom and will be of interest to students, academics, and policy-makers studying how this diverse region has changed over recent years.

Starting Points

The Routledge Handbook of Asian Security Studies provides a detailed exploration of security dynamics in the three distinct subregions that comprise Asia, and also bridges the study of these regions by exploring the geopolitical links between each of them. This book will be of great interest to students of Asian politics, security studies, war and conflict studies, foreign policy and international relations generally. Over the last 30 years referendums have played an increasingly important role in determining government policy.

Recent high profile referendums in Scotland, Catalonia and Ukraine have continued the movement towards independence referendums following decolonization and the end of the Cold War. Covering other related areas such as recall, citizen juries and random selection, this compendium is an indispensable guide to referendums and the workings of modern democracy.

McCarthy, Mary M. From a nuclear North Korea and territorial disputes in the East China Sea, to global climate change and Asia-Pacific free trade agreements, Japan is at the center of some of the most challenging issues that the world faces today. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, comprising contributions from the fields of politics, sociology, history, and gender studies, this handbook creates a comprehensive and innovative overview of the field, investigating the widening variety of interests, sometimes competing, that constitute Japanese foreign policy.

Providing an evaluation of the key actors, institutions, and networks influencing Japanese foreign policy, the Routledge Handbook of Japanese Foreign Policy is an essential resource for students and scholars of Japanese and Asian Politics, International Relations, and Foreign Policy. In Asia, where authoritarian-developmental states have proliferated, statehood and social control are heavily contested in borderland spaces. As a result, in the post-Cold War world, borders have not only redefined Asian incomes and mobilities, they have also rekindled neighbouring relations and raised questions about citizenship and security.

The contributors to the Routledge Handbook of Asian Borderlands highlight some of these processes taking place at the fringe of the state. Over the last decade, the world has increasingly grappled with the complex linkages emerging between efforts to combat climate change and to protect human rights around the world. The Paris Climate Agreement adopted in December recognized the necessity for governments to take into consideration their human rights obligations when taking climate action. However, important gaps remain in understanding how human rights can be used in practice to develop and implement effective and equitable solutions to climate change at multiple levels of governance.

This book brings together leading scholars and practitioners to offer a timely and comprehensive analysis of the opportunities and challenges for integrating human rights in diverse areas and forms of global climate governance. The first half of the book explores how human rights principles and obligations can be used to reconceive climate governance and shape responses to particular aspects of climate change. The second half of the book identifies lessons in the integration of human rights in climate advocacy and governance and sets out future directions in this burgeoning domain.

Featuring a diverse range of contributors and case studies, this Handbook will be an essential resource for students, scholars, practitioners and policy makers with an interest in climate law and governance, human rights and international environmental law. Robert G. Primary elections have been used for the past century for most U. In some circumstances, primaries ensure that citizens have a say in elections and test the skills of candidates before they get to the general election.

Yet primaries are often criticized for increasing the cost of elections, for producing ideologically extreme candidates, and for denying voters the opportunity to choose candidates whose appeal transcends partisanship. Few such arguments have, however, been rigorously tested.

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This innovative Handbook evaluates many of the claims, positive and negative, that have been made about primaries. It is organized into six sections, covering the origins of primary elections; primary voters; US presidential primaries; US subpresidential primaries; primaries in other parts of the world; and reform proposals. The Routledge Handbook of Primary Elections is an important research tool for scholars, a resource guide for students, and a source of ideas for those who seek to modify the electoral process.

Routledge Handbook of Ethics and International Relations. Brent J. Ethics and international Relations IR , once considered along the margins of the IR field, has emerged as one of the most eclectic and interdisciplinary research areas today. Yet the same diversity that enriches this field also makes it a difficult one to characterize. Is it, or should it only be, the social-scientific pursuit of explaining and understanding how ethics influences the behaviours of actors in international relations?

"Industrial Espionage Could Easily Be A National Security Risk"

Or, should it be a field characterized by what the world should be like, based on philosophical, normative and policy-based arguments? This Handbook suggests that it can actually be both, as the contributions contained therein demonstrate how those two conceptions of ethics and international relations are inherently linked.

Seeking to both provide an overview of the field and to drive debates forward, this Handbook is framed by an opening chapter providing a concise and accessible overview of the complex history of the field of ethics and IR, and a conclusion that discusses how the field may progress in the future and what subjects are likely to rise to prominence. It will be an essential resource for students and scholars alike.

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Rutazibwa, Olivia U. Engagements with the postcolonial world by International Relations scholars have grown significantly in recent years.

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The Routledge Handbook of Postcolonial Politics provides a solid reference point for understanding and analyzing global politics from a perspective sensitive to the multiple legacies of colonial and imperial rule. The Handbook introduces and develops cutting-edge analytical frameworks that draw on Black, decolonial, feminist, indigenous, Marxist and postcolonial thought as well as a multitude of intellectual traditions from across the globe.