Bitten to Death (Jaz Parks, Book 4)

Series: Jaz Parks
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Some of the side characters from previous books like Cassandra and Cole are in the background and Bergman is not existence in this one. Cole does make an appearance toward the end of the book. But still I was a little sad about that since he is such a fun character. I hope to see more of him in the 5th book Like other books in the series, Jaz is torn between completing her mission and trying to save Vayl from himself, yet again. I think that their hang ups about getting together or not getting together is starting to get in the way of how good the series could be.

In other words they need to get it on or just forget and focus more on the action and missions. So far, I'm still on the fence about this series. I am not sure if I want to see it all the way through to the end. It just seems like the same plot devices is used over and over in each book. But the ending of Bitten to Death did leave it open to grow in the plot development area for the 5th book that could have the characters moving forward instead of staying in a stalemate.

Hey I have a sick sense of humor but that was freaking hilarious to me. It's the whole being trapped in a closet with a crying vampire. May 22, keikii Eats Books rated it it was amazing. To read more reviews in this series and others, check out keikii eats books!

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Her boss and love interest! And so creepily. She's rather good at bringing everything to a head and filling the climax of the book with action and worry that I can see and feel. There were a few scenes where I nearly cried, which is extremely rare for me! This information helps us design a better experience for all users.

Jaz and Vayl are being sent to infiltrate a Vampere Trust. Things go wrong before they even start, though, as the leader of the Trust, the one that invited them there, dies before they can get there and a new leader takes his place. A new leader Vayl has a past history with and who has plans for Vayl himself.

M To read more reviews in this series and others, check out keikii eats books! Man, Bitten to Death is so good and funny. I love how everyone in this series, but especially Jaz and Vayl, are really starting to come together as a unit. They make the story as funny as it is serious. Holy hell, this is so goddamn creepy though. Jesus Christ, the things that go on are just Nooo thank you, I'd rather not have their jobs if it is all the same to you! Jasmine is getting better every single book. She is much more stable, less angry. I love who she is becoming as a person.

That is the best compliment that I can pay this series. The main character starts off in a really bad place, and over the course of the series she grows and heals and becomes an amazing, stable person. I love series where the character actually grows, and isn't just static until the end where "oh look, and now everything is better".

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Bring on the changes, yo! Jaz is also healing enough that she is becoming someone who can bare to be with another person again.

That is another great thing about this series. No, Vayl knows Jaz needs to heal, Jaz knows she cannot possibly be with another person after her fiance was murdered in front of her.

Jaz Parks series

Their relationship grows just as much as Jaz does. They start off as partners, they grow to be friends, and now they're making plans to be more than friends. Even this amount of healing isn't enough. There is a reason for that, though. We see a lot more of Vayl's past, and we learn he isn't exactly the most stable person as well. This whole book is centered on Vayl, and how not stable he is.

Bitten to Death

He is still grieving his sons. He still believes they'll return to him as they left him. Now that Jaz is on her way to healing, Vayl has to be the one to catch up to Jaz and start his process of healing, too, before he can start a relationship with her. I love this series so much! Bitten to Death is different than the previous books in the series that most of the crew isn't with them. It is Jaz and Vayl and Jaz's brother, David this time around.

Bitten to Death by Jennifer Rardin

And he is a mess. The events of the pervious book have dumped him on his ass, and have thrown him where Jaz was in the beginning of the series. It is up to Jaz to figure out how to patch him together again. Not an easy task for someone who just started the process, herself! I just love this story, too. It is so rich and detailed.

What's Inside

And the events inside are uncovered so well. And so creepily. Seriously, what the hell? Also the dog. Read it for the dog, if nothing else. I'll say that the end feels a bit too easy. Everything wraps up nice and neat. Or does it?

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The dog knows, and he isn't telling. Mar 14, Kt rated it it was amazing Shelves: hardcopy. Jaz, Vayl and Dave are teamed up in this installment to enter into an agreement with a Vampere Trust in orfer to get a shot at their number one target, The Raptor. This particular Trust holds particular danger for Vayl as it was the very one he escaped from a very long time ago. Not only is animosity towards him high, but one member in particular has her sights set on Vayl. Jaz and Vayl have face a lot in the past, but the tangled web being weaved may just be enough to ensnare them for good.

Thi Jaz, Vayl and Dave are teamed up in this installment to enter into an agreement with a Vampere Trust in orfer to get a shot at their number one target, The Raptor.

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This book gives us a further look into Vayl's past. While much of it still remains a mystery, and probably always will, I did enjoy learning more about him. He has made allusions to the fact that Jaz wouldn't have liked the man he used to be and he seems ashamed of his past. However, even though he may have done bad things in the past, that was then. That he had the strength to leave the situation he was in as well as able to survive to make a better man of himself is nothing short of admirable. Poor Vayl and Jaz, they never seem to be able to catch a break when it comes to their budding relationship.

Vayl thinks he is sure about Jaz, yet anytime something comes up with his sons, his thoughts about her seem to go out the window. Jaz on the other hand knows that she loves and needs Vayl, but just cannot bring herself to accept this fact. The fear of losing him is too high. So, when you add in those problems to the psychotic vampire who is trying to steal Vayl away and claim him for her own, you can't expect much progression to happen. It is a shame that everything seems to be against them, and I think I will do a happy dance when they finally get together.

As frustrating as the slow progression has been, I prefer it this way as long as that means that they will have a strong foundation and not crumble at the first obstacle, so that in the end everything will have been worth the wait. I enjoyed this book, but I did have one complaint.

Bitten to Death - Jennifer Rardin - Google книги

The situation with Cole is really starting to grate on my nerves. It is obvious that she will never choose him, and I think he knows that. In fact I bet the only reason he seems to be going after her so hard is the fact that he can't actually have Jaz. He just doesn't seem to be the type to settle down, which is what being with Jaz would lead to.

Jaz has herself so worried about crushing him by telling him no, but I just don't think it will really effect him that much in the long run. He may think he loves her, but deep down I think she is just a "safe" outlet for him. So despite that one issue, I loved the book and cannot wait to read more.

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I'll have to say the thing I love most about this series is that while there is an overall story arc that leaves unfinished business from book to book, each individual book has its own issue that gets resolved. So, no nasty cliffhangers to drive you nuts, making this series a must read in the urban fantasy genre. Mar 20, chucklesthescot rated it it was ok Shelves: uf-pnr , vampires , fiction.

What the heck happened to my action packed urban fantasy series with my snarky kickass MC and amusing sidekicks, with that splash of lovely humour? It is obviously gone for the moment because while there were big issues in the last book, this one was pretty dreadful overall. First we get Jaz, Vayl and David being to sent to the Trust that Vayl was once a member of, to stop a possible Samos takeover. Vayl is pretty much ignoring everyone and obsessing endlessly about his dead sons, Jaz isn't just What the heck happened to my action packed urban fantasy series with my snarky kickass MC and amusing sidekicks, with that splash of lovely humour?