Rotatory Knee Instability: An Evidence Based Approach

Posterolateral Corner Injury
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All major aspects of the assessment of rotatory knee instability are addressed in depth. A historical overview of arthrometers, both invasive and non-invasive, is provided, and newly developed devices for the measurement of rotatory knee laxity are considered. Recent advances with respect to the pivot shift test are explained and evidence offered to support a standardized pivot shift test and non-invasive quantification of the pivot shift.

Specific surgical techniques for rotatory laxity are described, with presentation of the experience from several world-renowned centers. In keeping with the emphasis on an individualized approach, the book highlights individualization of surgical reconstruction techniques in accordance with the specific injury pattern and grade of rotatory knee laxity as well as the use of individualized rehabilitation techniques.

Numerous high-quality images illustrate key points and clear take-home messages are provided.

Instabilität nach einer Vorderen Kreuzbandruptur: Was müssen wir operativ rekonstruieren?

Musahl is co-head team physician for the University of Pittsburgh football team. His research interests include knee and shoulder biomechanics. He is a member of numerous national and international societies and his main interests in clinical practice and res.

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Explains assessment of rotatory knee instability based on the best available In keeping with the emphasis on an individualized approach, the book highlights. Request PDF on ResearchGate | Rotatory Knee Instability: An Evidence Based Approach | This book is designed to equip the reader with the.

Free Preview. Explains assessment of rotatory knee instability based on the best available evidenceDescribes surgical techniques for rotatory laxity, with presentation of the experience from world-renowned centers Emphasizes individualized treatment and rehabilitation Show all benefits. Buy eBook. Buy Hardcover.

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He is the author of more than indexed papers and 30 book chapters and the editor of five books. Due to the nature of this being a narrative review, selection bias may have influenced our selection of relevant reference articles or source materials. The ability of lateral meniscal allograft transplantation MAT to improve knee stability and the meniscal load-bearing function in patients after meniscectomy is critical for surgical success. Outcomes Based on Surgery and Rehabilitation. The Manchester scale is pragmatic in that no advanced imaging is required and can be applied by both clinician and patient. Y -axis: tibial anterior translation mm. Scapular-muscle performance: two training programs in adolescent swimmers.

Buy Softcover. FAQ Policy. About this book This book is designed to equip the reader with the knowledge and tools required for provision of individualized ACL treatment based on the best available evidence.

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In combination with refinements in the analysis of surgical techniques and surgical outcomes, guidelines in terms of rehabilitation protocols in the ACL-reconstructed patient are essential to allow the injured athlete to progress effectively towards the goal of safe return to full function. Outcomes Based on Surgery and Rehabilitation.

Rotatory Knee Instability

N2 - The ability to assess outcomes during and after ACL reconstruction continues to be an advancing of study as efforts to improve the surgical and rehabilitation parameters evolve. AB - The ability to assess outcomes during and after ACL reconstruction continues to be an advancing of study as efforts to improve the surgical and rehabilitation parameters evolve. Project : Other project.

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Istituti Ortopedici Rizzoli. Abstract The ability to assess outcomes during and after ACL reconstruction continues to be an advancing of study as efforts to improve the surgical and rehabilitation parameters evolve. Fingerprint Patient rehabilitation.

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