Political Investigations: Hegel, Marx and Arendt

Revolution as accelerated modernity
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Discussion of “Karl Marx and the Tradition of Western Political Thought” by Hannah Arendt

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Political Investigations: Hegel, Marx and Arendt

Robert Fine died today. Robert was a friend and teacher to many of us. Robert was one of the most important social theorists of our time. He has always written to engage people with important things, never to impress precocious grad students. Here are links to some of the things he wrote on contemporary antisemitism:. Instead of devoting 40 years of my life to the study of One Thing, I have flown from prisons and asylums, to police and the law, to Marx and the Enlightenment, to South Africa and the nonracial unions, to Trotskyism and Stalinism, to nationalism and cosmopolitanism, and to Kant and Hegel.

It keeps me busy but is perhaps not to be recommended as career trajectories go. It is the question of antisemitism. I have to say that of all my subject matters I have attempted to research, this has been by far the most fraught, troubled and anxiety-producing. So I thought that rather than bottle it up in the corner of my study, I would share it with my European colleagues and ask those of you interested what you think about this particular concern.

First, modern, political anti-Semitism is a creature of the left as well as the right. We should abandon any fond hope that the universalism of the left inures it to anti-Semitic temptations. This fascinating book offers a re-reading of these texts as three pivotal moments in the construction of a critical humanist tradition.

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Philosophy and Social Hope. Richard Rorty. Enlightenment's Wake. John Gray. Capitalism and Modern Social Theory. Anthony Giddens. Mapping Ideology. Slavoj Zizek. Essays and Reviews. Bernard Williams. Karl Marx. Allen Wood. The End of Human Rights. Professor Costas Douzinas. History and Cultural Theory.

Simon Gunn. Introduction to Critical Legal Theory. Ian Ward.

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This fascinating book offers a re-reading of these texts as three pivotal moments in the construction of a critical humanist tradition. Refresh and try again. Machine derived contents note: Introduction 1 1 Reading and misreading Hegel's Philosophy of Right 5 2 The idea of Hegel's Philosophy of Right 24 3 Hegel and Kant: natural law and the science of right 41 4 State and revolution: Hegel, Rousseau, Marx 61 5 Right and value: unity of Hegel and Marx 79 6 Totalitarianism and the rational state: Arendt 7 State and revolution revisited: Arendt 8 Kant's cosmopolitan ideal and Hegel's critique 9 Arendt's critical cosmopolitanism Book , Online - Google Books. The self-destruction of the system opens a multitude of contradictory strategies.

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Fine | Political Investigations | | Hegel, Marx and Arendt

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