Cultural Studies, Critical Theory and Critical Discourse Analysis: Histories, Remembering and Futures

Critical discourse analysis
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Housing costs form the most onerous reproductive burden on working lives; they reify private property regimes, undermine the wage, exemplify and prop up a financialised and debt-laden economy, demand that more time is consumed by work and reproduce a parasitic rentier class. Yet, the collective housing organisation that has so often mitigated these issues has typically remained hidden from history.

The authors illustrate the relevance and the necessity of theorising housing and urbanisation as crucial political initiatives, exploring the housing question past and present , the contingent nature of housing demands spatially and temporally , the role of gender and social reproduction, defensive and offensive urban commoning and demands for new democratic forms of public housing and eco-social justice. His work primarily focuses on urban devalorisation, territorial stigmatisation, gentrification, housing movements and the spatialities of Italian autonomous Marxism.

What is the relationship between poetry, artistic creativity and social change. What can activists learn from each other across generations, communities, struggles and countries about state security practices, about the interests that they protect, and from the resistance of activists and movements being spied upon? His effort is notable as the first English translation of the Sardinian Marxist, though it went unpublished for over twenty years.

Made for Channel Four television by Glasgow filmmakers, it saw Gramsci pacing the prison-yard, deep in conversation on the finer points of dialectical materialism with his fellow political prisoners, comrades whose accents belonged, unmistakably, to the industrial west of Scotland. He pointed to a painting by Ken Currie depicting the Clydeside autodidact reading Gramsci by night, and he reflected at length on affinities between the Sardinian in Italy and the Scot in the UK.

Finally, this paper will consider how Gramsci might be helpful in understanding the tensions between strains of romantic nationalism and socialist internationalism in Scottish political discourse since Henderson. This talk looks at the context behind the recent proliferation of referendums, which have become focal points both for ad hoc "populist" coalitions and for liberal, centrist anxieties about populism.

It looks at why the ruling political establishment calls or agrees to referendums, why public consent was sought in moves to neoliberal "globalisation", and why referendums have recently proved so disruptive. Referendums pose general questions for socialist strategy and attitudes to democracy, and particular questions about how socialists confront the breakup of states and the question of European dis integration. In this context, the talk will explore recent debates about Scottish independence and Brexit.

Verso, His PhD is from the University of Edinburgh. He currently works as a researcher on child poverty. I have argued that both are strongly influenced by the versions of critical theory which have been characterised as 'postmodernism ' and 'poststructuralism ' and that. By to reframe and recontextualise the ways in which we define and perform CDA and that that will involve bringing cultural studies and critical discourse analysis together in productive new ways with other disciplinary and theoretical.

Cultural studies critical theory and critical discourse analysis histories remembering and futures free Critical Theory and Cultural Studies Preparation Guide Interdisciplinary research portal discourse In this paper I have explored some of the histories which inevitably connect, but also differentiate, critical discourse analysis and cultural studies.

I have argued that both are strongly influenced by the versions of critical theory which have been characterised as 'postmodernism' and 'poststructuralism' and that both could benefit not only from some serious engagement with the several Critical discourse analysis CDA is an interdisciplinary approach to the study of discourse, or put simply talk and text, that views language as a form of social practice. Scholars working in the tradition of CDA generally argue that nonlinguistic social practice and linguistic practice constitute one another and focus on investigating how societal power relations are established and Cultural Studies, Critical Theory and Critical Discourse Analysis: Histories, Remembering and Futures Terry Threadgold Cardiff.

I have argued that both are strongly influenced by the versions of critical theory which have been characterised as 'postmodernism ' and 'poststructuralism ' and that Rating: 4.

Marxism and Culture Studies (ENG)

Fast Cultural studies critical theory and critical discourse analysis histories remembering and futures best superhero movies yahoo answers buzzfeed love actually answers language proof and logic Concurrently, drivers adopted the subject position of 'average man' as a way of defending their personal and masculine status in regards to health and to justify jettisoning approaches to healthy living that were deemed too extreme or irrational in the face of the constraints of their working lives.

Suggestions for driver health promotion include refocusing on the social and cultural - rather than individual - underpinnings of driver health issues and a move away from moralistic approaches to health promotion. Shelters for abused women function within a broad context that includes intersecting social structures, policies, and resources, which may constrain and limit the options available to abused women and tacitly reinforce the cycle of abuse. This feminist, qualitative study combined in-depth interviews and focus groups conducted with 37 staff and four executive directors from four shelters in Ontario, Canada, along with a critical discourse analysis of salient policy texts.

Together, the interviews and critical discourse analysis formed an integrated analysis of the dialectic between policy as written and enacted. The study findings illuminate the complexity of the system and its impact on women, shelters, and the community and highlight how specific types of social policies and various social system subsystems and structures, and system configuration, shape the day to day reality of shelter service delivery and impact outcomes for abused women and their children.

Collectively, these findings offer direction regarding where these policies could be improved and provide a basis for shelters, policy makers, advocates, and the community to strengthen current services and policies, potentially enhancing outcomes for women. Achievements and barriers in the organ donation process: a critical analysis of donation coordinators' discourse. Donation coordinators play an important role in the success or failure of organ donation and transplant programs.

Nevertheless, these professionals' perspectives and practices have hardly been explored, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. To examine donation coordinators' discourse on the organ donation process and the barriers they perceive. A critical qualitative study was carried out in Guadalajara, Mexico. Twelve donation coordinators from public and private hospitals participated. Participants indicated that partial results have been achieved in deceased organ donation. Concomitantly, multiple obstacles have adversely affected the process and outcomes: at the structural level, the fragmentation of the health system and the scarcity of financial and material resources; at the relational level, nonegalitarian relationships between coordinators and hospital personnel; at the ideational level, the transplant domain and its specialists overshadow the donation domain and its coordinators.

Negative images are associated with donation coordinators. Organ donation faces structural, relational, and ideational barriers; hence, complex interventions should be undertaken.

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Google Directory. Clean Video Simon J. As an area of classroom research, Interaction Analysis developed from the need and desire to investigate the process of classroom teaching and learning in terms of action-reaction between individuals and their socio-cultural context Biddle, The colonial condescension is rejected and its memory, if any, is also. This article examines the discourses of cultural values and beliefs constructed in Chinese language textbooks currently used for primary school students nationwide in China.

Donation coordinators also should be recognized by the health system. Introduction: Discourse Analysis and Policy Discourse. Is English the key to access the wonders of the modern world? A Critical Discourse Analysis.

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Full Text Available The spread of English in the world today is not only the result of colonizing campaigns Canagarajah, , ; Pennycook, a, a, ; Phillipson, , but also of the compliance of the governments associated with the "expanding circle" Kachru, Colombia is a good example of this phenomenon, because its national government is implementing a National Bilingualism Project pnb where there is an explicit interest in the promotion of English over all other languages spoken in the country. This article is a critical discourse analysis of the handbook that sets the standards for competences in English.

Policies and practices of parental involvement and parent-teacher relations in Irish primary education: a critical discourse analysis. This thesis presents a critical discourse analysis of policies of parental involvement in Irish education from the past decade. It explores three questions: Do discourses of parental involvement and teacher professionalism construct parent-teacher relations in Irish primary education? The disappearance of 43 teacher-trainees in Mexico: An approach to critical discourse analysis in the press. For that purpose, the corpus of journalistic documents was explored over a period of three months, following the newspapers Reforma and La Jornada; the purpose of this exploration was to identify the discourse strategies used in the press to report on the fact, from the lexical frequency and the nominal phrasing occurrence.

Four strateg The literary critical discourse analysis as a useful tool for cultural learning in an L2 classroom. Full Text Available The L2 teaching is an area very prone to the influences of different ideologies from other cultures. Due to this, the present article will be focused on the useful application of critical discourse analysis CDA in L2 teaching to identify, interpret and understand such cultural elements, specifically, through the critical analysis of literary discourse.

The scientific methods to be employed will be analysis -synthesis and induction-deduction in the processing and systematization of the information that leads to interpretations and generalizations of the main theoretical concepts this article deals with; and the theoretical premises CDA hinges on. Text linguistics and critical discourse analysis : A multimodal analysis of a magazine advertisement. Patient participation as discursive practice-A critical discourse analysis of Danish mental healthcare.

Patient participation is one of the most prevalent focus areas in the Danish healthcare debate. Patient participation is generally presented as a fundamental democratic right, and is stated in an objective language with legal requirements for healthcare professionals to ensure that patients systematically participate in their own courses of care and treatment.

In the research literature, it is not clear what is meant by 'patient participation', and several discourses on patient participation exist side by side.

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This study explores how discourses of patient participation unfold and are at play in the articulations in official legal and political documents and patient records relating to a Danish psychiatric context. The documents and patient records have been analyzed using a Fairclough-inspired critical discourse approach which is concerned with how power is exercised through language. The research findings show that patient participation within Danish psychiatric healthcare is governed within a neoliberal discourse where underlying discourses ; discourse of biomedicine, paternalism, management, evidence and ethics of care are embedded, and a discourse that seems to ascribe stigmatizing traits to mentally ill patients.

Institutional discourse analysis : educational discourse. Full Text Available The author examines discourse parameters for the administrative, teachers and students discourse varieties in American high school.

The study identifies the discourse markers, their relationships and functions. Full Text Available The present study reports on the latest and newest hot topic in the world, the United States Presidential Election. In so doing, the current study utilizes Critical Discourse Analysis CDA model to unmask the use of power and hidden strategies through language use.

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Furthermore, this study tries to show that there are linguistic traces that depict the strategy and ideology in the text as well. The findings of the present study can be provocative for English foreign language learners to promote their analytical skills. Therefore, findings of the present article can be applied to English Reading Comprehension and Reading Journalistic Texts classes.

Let's talk about society: A Critical Discourse Analysis of sociology courses in pre-registration nursing. The discussion of teaching and learning in nursing has been prolific. Whereas most of the debate tends to focus on core contents of nursing programmes, little has been discussed about the teaching in 'supporting subjects' with relevance to both nursing education and nursing practice.

This article offers a perspective on sociology scholarship for applied professions by using the case of nursing programmes.

Critical Discourse Analysis

Syllabus is a rich source of data, and in its representational capacity it becomes both a discursive construction and a vehicle of ideology. Accordingly, we present a Critical Discourse Analysis of syllabi of nursing schools in Chile as to identify core contents and ideologies, and implied challenges for nursing education. We argue that while the syllabus as a discourse discloses a significant cleavage, the biggest challenge is precisely to challenge the ideologies constructed by and embedded in the syllabi.

Our reflection thus points to a better interdisciplinary dialogue as to enhance the actual contribution of sociology to nursing. All rights reserved. Contradictory discourses of health promotion and disease prevention in the educational curriculum of Norwegian public health nursing: a critical discourse analysis. Health care is under constant change creating new and demanding tasks for public health nurses.

The curriculum for public health nursing students is controlled by governmental directives that decide the structure and content of their education. This paper analyses manifest and latent discourses in the curriculum, in order to reveal underlying governmental principles for how public health nurses should promote health and prevent diseases. A critical discourse analysis of the Norwegian public health nursing curriculum was conducted.

In This Article

The study indicates i 'a competing biomedical and social-scientific knowledge- discourse ', with biomedical knowledge dominating the content of the curriculum; ii 'a paternalistic meta- discourse ', referring to an underlying paternalistic ideology despite a clear focus on user participation; and iii 'a hegemonic individual discourse '. Even though the curriculum stipulates that public health nurses should work at both an individual and a societal level, there is very little population focus in the text. Recent political documents concerning public health nursing focus more on health promotion, however, this is not sufficiently explicit in the curriculum.

The lack of emphasis on social scientific knowledge, and the blurred empowerment and population perspective in the curriculum, can lead to less emphasis on health promotion work in public health nursing education and practice. The curriculum should be revised in order to meet the recent governmental expectations.