Coping with Overloaded Criminal Justice Systems: The Rise of Prosecutorial Power Across Europe

Coping with Overloaded Criminal Justice Systems
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The Rise of Prosecutorial Power Across Europe

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Coping with overloaded criminal justice systems : the rise of prosecutorial power across Europe. Publication Information:. Subject Term:.

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Prosecution -- Europe. Criminal justice, Administration of -- Europe. In the tripartite consultations, the rhetoric emphasizes more efficient use of local expertise, not responsiveness to the local public. The decentralizing aspect of community prosecution receives more emphasis than the democratizing aspect in the Netherlands. Delivery of service with local expertise customized for local problems is the objective.

In the United States, on the other hand, community prosecution serves a remedial function. Because the relationship between prosecutors and the public differs so much among localities, community prosecution may be truly necessary as a remedy in some places particularly larger jurisdictions , while it amounts to a pointless public relations gimmick in others. Coordination of resources among different government agencies certainly has its place in community prosecution in the United States.

From the beginning, however, the programs appeared in response to local groups who believed their public safety priorities were neglected. Finally, the coverage of community prosecution programs differs in the two countries.

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Community prosecution is more systematic and widespread in the Netherlands. It addresses a more pervasive gap in the Dutch system, serving as a counterweight to a system that has become strongly centralized within living memory. Because the impetus for the programs comes from outside the ranks of career prosecutors, the programs are more likely to foster relationships with government agencies outside criminal law enforcement circles.

In the United States, where prosecution is already radically decentralized and relatively democratized, community prosecution initiatives spread unevenly.

Coping with Overloaded Criminal Justice Systems - The Rise of Prosecutorial Power

One might expect to see community prosecution efforts in local jurisdictions that are the least homogeneous in socioeconomic terms, with an emphasis on outreach to communities that hold the least stake in the electoral system. Because career prosecutors initiate the programs in the United States, these programs also tend to focus on agencies with a clear preexisting connection to criminal enforcement.

Ultimately, all prosecutors must balance a set of conflicting ideals. Prosecutors in different jurisdictions aim for a different balance between these ideals, and community prosecution offers one way to tip the balance toward individualized justice when the need arises.

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Community Prosecution, Comparative Prosecution. Enforcement Bull.

Role of prosecutor in criminal justice administration

Elaine Nugent et al. See Perry, supra note 7, at 2; Ronald F. Tyler ed.

Coping with overloaded criminal justice systems : the rise of prosecutorial power across Europe

Frase eds. Crime Crim. Legal Q. The Board consists of five Attorneys General under the presidency of one Chairperson. Cleiren eds. Smit, Crime and Punishment in the Netherlands, —, in 33 Crime and Punishment in Western Countries, —, at discussing the treatment of various offenses.

Legal Prof.

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Those liberals who did take the crime jump seriously often failed to challenge conservatives when they conflated riots, street crime, and political activism, especially on the part of African Americans and their supporters, and when they attributed the crime increase to the launch of the Great Society and to the mixing of the races due to the demise of segregation. Unbelievable The chilling true story of the woman nobody bel Because so many more blacks than whites are stopped in the first place, however, many more blacks are taken into police custody as a result of being stopped Center for Constitutional Rights, These social and economic trends unfolded in the broader context of deteriorating economic opportunities for men with low levels of education, especially those who had dropped out of high school Goldin and Katz, , and the decline of organized labor and the contraction of well-paying manufacturing and other jobs in urban areas for low-skilled workers. We chose case examples ranging from administrative or minor criminal offences to increasingly serious offences and offenders. These conditions made the United States more vulnerable than other developed democracies to the politicization of criminal justice in a punitive direction.

Eric H. Holder, Jr. Tags: Criminal Law Prosecution.

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Coping with Overloaded Criminal Justice Systems. The Rise of Prosecutorial Power Across Europe. Authors: Jehle, Jörg-Martin, Wade, Marianne. Free Preview. Coping with Overloaded Criminal Justice Systems: The Rise of Prosecutorial Power Across Europe [Jörg-Martin Jehle, Marianne Wade] on

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