Cosmic Rays and Earth (Space Sciences Series of ISSI, Volume 10)

Cosmic Rays and Earth
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Hall, P. Sellers, A. Kumar, G. Collatz, C. Tucker, and M. Imhoff ,, Quantifying the negative feedback of vegetation to greenhouse warming: A modeling approach, Geophysical Research Letters , 37 This one finds that the doubling of the Carbon Dioxide concentration may be less serious than the IPCC predicts. Andrew et al, Thank you very much for your time and effort in compiling this list. It was exactly the type of resource I wished to reference.

Publications : Space Science Series of ISSI : International Space Science Institute

Regards, Ardeet. Great list, and great work in preparing this compilation. I fully suspect though, that the warmists will quickly dismiss this list and say that none of these are peer reviewed - as they feel that they are the only ones capable of being "peers". Very useful. I was linked to this by a Blog which alleges that most if not all tehse authors are "funded" by Exxon Mobil.

How many of their warmist rivals are NOT funded by governments committed to their ideology? Hello Andrew Thanks for that superb list! I really appreciate that! Some are already listed, some are not. Since I have a very time-consuming job, I'm unfortunatelly not able to sort them. Will be a long weekend for you.

EMRP2 – Geomagnetism

Thumbs up! Greetings from Germany. Creepy, that is an old outdated version of my list from two years ago. There is nothing to combine, only use the current version seen here. Dear Sir. Rogerio Maestri. Thank you for this.

I freely admit a bias towards the "other side", but my bias is not sufficient to simply let me take "they're all in bed with Exxon" or "it's a settled matter" as an answer, anymore than I'm likely to be swayed by the cartoonish antics of many of the "deniers". I'm always on the lookout for facts that I can examine myself, and while not being a scientist much of this will probably go over my head, it will at least give me a jumping off point for putting much of what I hear in context.

There is no easy way to do that without using a spreadsheet or database as the list is dynamic and changes. There is an experiment that proves that the Greenhouse gas effect does not exist. This experiment which has been peer reviewed by Ph. D physicists. Chemical engineers and others. It is titled "The Experiment that failed which can save the world trillion-Proving the greenhouse gas effect does not exist.

Cheers, Jamie. Jamie, I will add them in the next update. If you want, you can just email them in the future to: populartechnology gmail dot com. I notice that PT has today, once again, been kicked off andthentheresphysics blog. Their massive over reaction to any inoffensive comment that is against AGW is an indication of their insecurity.

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The Space Sciences Series of ISSI books are coherent reports of the findings, discussions, and ideas that result from .. Volume Cosmic Rays and Earth >>. Knee. Oxygen. All Particles. T– Low-. Energy. Turnup. Anom- alous Energy spectrum of cosmic rays measured at the Earth. .. Space Science Series of ISSI. Volume 1. The Heliosphere in the Local Interstellar Medium,

The global warming scare is dying because the science behind it is just junk. Keep up the good work. Wood's experiment and even three occasions after Wood's experiment. McKitrick et al.


I do not consider it a supplemental paper to Douglass et al. I am also well aware the AGU should hire a competent webmaster. Excellently encompassing a large number of points of view to portray the true nature of the academic complexity of this unrecognized claim at the level of a Nobel-Prize in science, as it is expected for any comprehensively-investigated scientific issue. This is evidence of the need of Congress to initiate a hearing process with legitimate scientists. El Paso, TX. Post a Comment. Carter, Ph. Environmental Scientist " Wow, the list is pretty impressive It's Oreskes done right.

Theoretical Physicist " I really appreciate your important effort in compiling the list. Astrophysicist and Geoscientist " An excellent place to start to take stock of the scientific diversity of positions on AGW. Senior Research Scientist " Thanks to the pop tech team. Before accepting any criticisms of this list, please read the detailed rebuttals.

Galactic cosmic rays on extrasolar Earth-like planets

Please read the following introductory notes for more detailed information. Disclaimer: Even though the most prolific authors on the list are skeptics, the inclusion of a paper in this list does not imply a specific personal position to any of the authors. While certain authors on the list cannot be labeled skeptics e. Harold Brooks, Roger Pielke Jr. Some papers are mutually exclusive and should be considered independently.

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This list will be updated and corrected as necessary. Counting Method: Only peer-reviewed papers are counted. This means the papers are either written by a skeptic, explicit to a skeptical position, or were already cited by and determined to be in support of a skeptic argument by highly credentialed scientists, such as Sherwood B.

Idso Ph. Research Scientist Emeritus, U. Water Conservation Laboratory and Patrick J. Michaels Ph. Criteria for Removal: Papers will only be removed if it is determined by the editor that they have not properly met the criteria for inclusion or have been retracted by the journal. Just like other popular scientific bibliographic resources e.

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Scopus, Web of Science , no paper will be removed because of the existence of a criticism or published correction. Any known published correction will be included on the list following the original paper to show that these did not affect the author's original conclusions. All Supplemental papers are preceded by an asterisk and italicized; Addendums, Comments, Corrections, Erratum, Replies, Responses and Submitted papers.

Ordering of the papers is chronological per category.

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Skip to main content. Advertisement Hide. Cosmic Rays and Earth — A Summary. Conference paper. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves. This is a preview of subscription content, log in to check access.

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Babcock, H. J , — Balogh, A. Google Scholar.