Polar Oceanography. Physical Science

Institut Méditerranéen d’Océanologie
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Research LOPS develops and participates in research programmes in oceanography that contribute to the development of knowledge on the functioning of the ocean and its role in the climate at various temporal and spatial scales, in particular by monitoring and analysing variability in the context of climate change. It gathers data from the open ocean to coastal regions, in the Arctic and along the French and African coasts and uses data generated from the Argo programme and dedicated oceanographic cruises.

The four research groups address the following topics with many interactions among them particularly through the cross-cutting research topics on data, digital modelling tools and polar oceanography: Coastal ocean : study of ocean-atmosphere exchanges in coastal areas, coastal systems evolution in light of climate change, process dynamics in coastal and regional seas.

Ocean and climat e : diagnosis of the variability and trends in the ocean state oceanic circulation, properties of water masses , understanding processes and their representation in ocean models, role of variability in the physical ocean on biogeochemical cycles, etc. Ocean Scale Interactions : study of regional, seasonal and interannual variability in the North Pacific, study of decadal variability in ocean circulation in the Atlantic, current dynamics, diagnosis methods of high-resolution 3D dynamics from satellite sensor data, dynamics in marginal seas Mediterreanean Sea, Persian Gulf, Red Sea , etc.

The United States nuclear submarine Nautilus made the first journey under the ice to the North Pole in From the s, there has been much emphasis on the application of large scale computers to oceanography to allow numerical predictions of ocean conditions and as a part of overall environmental change prediction. Geosat seafloor mapping data became available in Study of the oceans is linked to understanding global climate changes, potential global warming and related biosphere concerns.

The atmosphere and ocean are linked because of evaporation and precipitation as well as thermal flux and solar insolation. Wind stress is a major driver of ocean currents while the ocean is a sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide. All these factors relate to the ocean's biogeochemical setup. Further understanding of the worlds oceans permit scientists to better decide weather changes which in addition guides to a more reliable utilization of earths resources.

Selected Projects

Biological oceanography investigates the ecology of marine organisms in the context of the physical, chemical and geological characteristics of their ocean environment and the biology of individual marine organisms. Chemical oceanography is the study of the chemistry of the ocean. Whereas chemical oceanography is primarily occupied with the study and understanding of seawater properties and its changes, ocean chemistry focuses primarily on the geochemical cycles.

The following is a central topic investigated by chemical oceanography. Ocean acidification describes the decrease in ocean pH that is caused by anthropogenic carbon dioxide CO 2 emissions into the atmosphere. An important element for the skeletons of marine animals is calcium , but calcium carbonate becomes more soluble with pressure, so carbonate shells and skeletons dissolve below the carbonate compensation depth. Affected planktonic organisms will include pteropods , coccolithophorids and foraminifera , all important in the food chain.

In tropical regions, corals are likely to be severely affected as they become less able to build their calcium carbonate skeletons, [23] in turn adversely impacting other reef dwellers. The current rate of ocean chemistry change seems to be unprecedented in Earth's geological history, making it unclear how well marine ecosystems will adapt to the shifting conditions of the near future.


Geological oceanography is the study of the geology of the ocean floor including plate tectonics and paleoceanography. Physical oceanography studies the ocean's physical attributes including temperature-salinity structure, mixing, surface waves , internal waves, surface tides , internal tides , and currents. The following are central topics investigated by physical oceanography. Since the early ocean expeditions in oceanography, a major interest was the study of the ocean currents and temperature measurements.

The tides , the Coriolis effect , changes in direction and strength of wind , salinity and temperature are the main factors determining ocean currents. The thermohaline circulation THC thermo- referring to temperature and -haline referring to salt content connects the ocean basins and is primarily dependent on the density of sea water. It is becoming more common to refer to this system as the 'meridional overturning circulation' because it more accurately accounts for other driving factors beyond temperature and salinity.

50 Years of Ocean Discovery: National Science Foundation 1950—2000.

Buy Polar Oceanography: Physical Science on giuliettasprint.konfer.eu ✓ FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders. Physical oceanography focuses on describing and understanding the Polar Oceanography - Oceanographers in the APL's Polar Science Center study the.

Oceanic heat content OHC refers to the heat stored in the ocean. The changes in the ocean heat play an important role in sea level rise , because of thermal expansion. Paleoceanography is the study of the history of the oceans in the geologic past with regard to circulation, chemistry, biology, geology and patterns of sedimentation and biological productivity. Paleoceanographic studies using environment models and different proxies enable the scientific community to assess the role of the oceanic processes in the global climate by the reconstruction of past climate at various intervals.

Paleoceanographic research is also intimately tied to palaeoclimatology. The first international organization of oceanography was created in as the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The study of the physical and biological aspects of the ocean.

Professor Finlo Cottier

Complex study of the polar and marine ecosystems and climate change. It downplayed an Academy report Economic Benefits of Oceanographic Research NAS, that had apparently grossly exaggerated the economic benefits of a national oceanographic program. It is made up of four research groups and an In Situ Observation Service. Geo-archaeology - New high-resolution 3D seismic imaging. New issues not mentioned at the previous meeting included coordination of the planned International Indian Ocean Expedition, the question of who makes international commitments involving universities ICO, NSF, or State Department , anticipation of congressional problems the Magnuson Act and other oceanography-related bills , and ships and ship titles. Segmentation, fault structure and tsunamigenesis of the Sumatran Subduction Zone. Significance of subsurface phytoplankton thin layers for primary production and the carbon cycle in UK summer stratified coastal and shelf seas.

For the scientific journal, see Oceanography journal. For the scientific journal, see Ocean Science journal. Main article: marine biology.

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  • Physical oceanography.

Main article: chemical oceanography. Main article: Ocean acidification. Main article: marine geology. Main article: Physical oceanography. Further information: Ocean current. Play media. Further information: Oceanic heat content.


Main article: Paleoceanography. See also: List of oceanographic institutions and programs. Underwater diving portal.

Anoxic event — Anoxic sea water Argo oceanography Astrooceanography Bathymetric chart Ecological Forecasting List of ocean circulation models List of seas List of submarine topographical features Marine archaeology Marine current power Marine engineering Ocean colonization Ocean engineering Oceans Act of Sea level Sea level rise.

Archived from the original on December 18, Dictionary of National Biography.

Matthew Fontaine Maury, Scientist of the Sea. Weyl, , p. Science and Engineering at The University of Edinburgh. Archived from the original on 28 May Retrieved 7 November New York: Prentice-Hall.

Spatial and Physical Oceanography Laboratory - Ifremer

Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved Retrieved 1 November July Bibcode : Sci Ocean Acidification. Oxford University Press. Retrieved 17 April Invitation to Oceanography. West Publishing Company. Retrieved 15 September