Destined to Witness: Growing Up Black in Nazi Germany

ISBN 13: 9780688171551
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He was born in as son of a German mother and a Liberian law student, the only independent black African state at that time apart from Ethiopia. His grandfather was the Liberian consul-general to Hamburg. When his father and grandfather went back to Liberia in , his mother decided to stay in Germany.

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He was shunned but was never a target of Nazi persecution like Jews and Roma were. He was rebuffed when he applied for membership in the Hitler Jugend Hitler Youth , while every young male Aryan German was obliged to be a member.

Because he was underweight, he was not drafted to join the German Army. In the s only a few black people lived in Germany, most of them in the Rhine area, children of German mothers and French-African soldiers.

Destined to Witness: Growing Up Black in Nazi Germany

These children in the French-occupied Rhineland were called Franzosenkinder Frenchmen's children. In the northern part of Germany black people were so rare that most people had never seen one.

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Nazi Germans considered mixed race children, like Massaquoi, a threat to the racial purity they sought. Many black and mixed race children were rounded up and sterilized or used for scientific experiments.

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The Hitler Youth was established in to recruit soldiers, but in it transitioned to a new role teaching children loyalty to Hitler and Nazism. A screenplay has been adapted from the book and movie shooting started in I was eight by then, and I didn't notice that, from the almost kids gathered in that schoolyard, I was the only one Herr Wriede was not talking to.

English-German Dictionary

Massaquoi's schoolmates were so taken in by the Nazi leader's charisma that, after his visit, they all signed up to the Hitler Youth. Massaquoi didn't want to be left out, so he also applied to become a member.

He was not accepted. A couple of years later, the changes in German society became even more noticeable. After African-American athlete Jesse Owens won four gold medals at the Berlin Olympic Games, Hitler and the rest of the National Socialist fanatics ramped up their rejection of black people.

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Soon after, Hans' paternal family had to flee the country, though he stayed in Germany with his mother. Hans as a child left and an adult right Photo via. The nightmare had only just started. First, a notice placed in the swings of a park said "non-Aryan" kids were not allowed to play there.

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After that, teachers from the school, who were of Jewish origin, began to disappear. But it wouldn't be until young Massaquoi visited the Hamburg zoo that the emotional connection he felt towards Nazism was cut. Inside the zoo, in a cage placed outdoors, among the animals, he discovered an African family being laughed at and teased by the crowd.

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Destined to Witness: Growing Up Black in Nazi Germany [Hans J. Massaquoi] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This is a story of the. Destined to Witness: Growing Up Black in Nazi Germany (ISBN ), is an autobiographical book by Hans J. Massaquoi.

Massaquoi had been just another kid fearfully approaching the cage, until somebody stood out from the crowd, pointed at him and yelled: "They've had a child. In order to survive the country's massive destruction, to which the Nazi leader's suicidal policy led, Massaquoi had to endure many hardships. Another peculiar episode in his life took place immediately after the beginning of the second world war.

Massaquoi, who had been rejected by the Hitler Youth for being "unworthy to wear the German uniform", was on the brink of being recruited by the German Army.