The Ethics of Obscene Speech in Early Christianity and Its Environment

Jeremy F. Hultin The Ethics of Obscene Speech in Early Christianity and Its Environment 2008.pdf
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Preliminary Materials

Indecent content, the FCC said, would be restricted to the hours of 10 p. All fifty states have laws to control obscenity. Indecent materials or expressions, usually speech or artistic depictions, may be restricted in terms of time, place and manner, but are still protected by the First Amendment. The issue is how, exactly, we can define obscenity and indecency?

U.S. Supreme Court

The definitions are foggy and have changed over time. Moral crusader Anthony Comstock bragged that he had put thousands in jail in the — period. Sam Roth, a New York bookseller whose case was pivotal, was sentenced to seven jail terms, including two 3-year terms, for selling books that would not raise an eyebrow today. The state seal was apparently too candid for the city of Radford, Va. In Protestant England such courts were more concerned with politics than morality, and when Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure by John Cleland was first published in , British authorities took no notice.

Trade in erotic literature grew in the 19th century. Regina Queen v. Hicklin L. The context of R.

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So — bad tendency — most susceptible — any small part of the work —. After the Civil War. In theory, the definition of obscenity in the US rested on the state level.

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The Ethics of Obscene Speech in Early Christianity and Its Environment (Novum Testamentum, Supplements) [Jeremy F Hultin] on *FREE*. The Ethics of Obscene Speech in Early Christianity and Its Environment conventional arguments for avoiding (or for using) obscene words?.

For example, Massachusetts censors banned books like Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure as early as Even a printed discussion of birth control was obscene and therefore not protected by the First Amendment. Comstock was named a special agent of the Post Office and given free transportation to go wherever he wanted and enforce the law that carried his own name. He bragged later that he was responsible for sending enough people to jail to fill a 61 coach passenger train. Mencken, a Baltimore Sun columnist and editor of the American Mercury, was an acerbic critic of the American political scene.

It became her habit to take her Catholic clients to the Protestant cemetery, and vice-versa. Victoria Woodhull as the devil with her free love doctrine is depicted trying to lure a woman with an alcoholic husband and a crying baby down the path, and away from salvation.

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Thomas Nast, This was a line that Mencken managed to cross in dramatic fashion. He contrived to meet with Chase on Brimstone Corner of Boston Common, with the vice squad and a clutch of photographers in attendance. Indeed, propaganda against suffrage workers like Victoria Woodhull was fairly typical. The charges were later dismissed, but only after Sanger had effectively been in exile in the UK during the war years. For such a sophisticated global company to be managing the supply chain by literally burning stuff is shocking.

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Fashion theory tells us there are processes that go into making a garment, from harvesting plants for raw fibre, to the processing and finishing of textile yarns involving thousands of litres of water. There are hundreds of hours of human labour too. Similarly, high-end cosmetics are a drain on resources in terms of both raw ingredients from the natural world and processing. To input all of these resources and then to squander them by burning recovering only a tiny proportion of that energy is pure madness given the backdrop of ecological emergency that we face.

Yet, Burberry seems brazen in its defence. It is true that they are far from alone. Increasingly brands are trying to style out incineration, pointing to the fact that burning textiles releases energy and helps power plants move away from fossil fuels.

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This campaign, announced with fanfare at the Copenhagen fashion summit earlier this year, is all about transforming the garments ector into one where waste is designed out, and materials flow in a circular economy system, constantly reused in order to benefit business, society and the environment. Benefaction and rewards in the ancient Greek city : the origins of euergetism.

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Someone who disregards this obligation is said to have committed a tort, or private civil as opposed to criminal wrong. Foul language was also used in abuse, whether written in poems or on walls, or shouted in the streets. Skip to main content. At the Thesmophoria, women serving as bailers, having purified themselves with three days of sexual abstinence, hauled up the contents from these pits, and set them on altars. The vulgar Trimalchio says he once bought some comic actors, but preferred them putting on Atellan farces Petronius, Sat.