Whilom Magic - Destiny Given

Whilom Magic - Destiny Given
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Child, dated Blissfield, Aug. White says you and the friends were very rude, wanted to look into all our boxes and trunks and break open locks. What were you looking for, or expecting to find? All these several circumstances show in the clearest possible manner that Dr.

Child and Mrs. White were on terms much more intimate then than that of casual acquaintance, and it is the height of absurdity to assert that if Mrs. But a side light is thrown upon this comedy from the pretended biography of John King and his daughter Katie, written at their dictation in his own office by Dr. Child himself. This book was given out to the world as an authentic revelation from these two spirits.

Which or both? Let the doctor choose. If his conscience is so tender as to force him into print with his certificate and affidavits why does it not sink deep enough to reach his pocket, and compel him to refund to us the money obtained by him under false pretences? That he admitted every night as many visitors. This last fact I give under all reserve, not having had to pay so much as that myself.

A collection of poems in six volumes. By several hands: With notes. [pt.4]

Now let an impartial investigator of this Philadelphia imbroglio take a pencil and cast up the profit left after paying the mediums, in this nightly spirit speculation lasting many months. Ladies and gentlemen of the spiritual belief, methinks we are all of us between the horns of a very wonderful dilemma. If you happen to find your position comfortable, I do not , and so will try to extricate myself.

Let it be perfectly understood, though, that I do not intend in the least to undertake at present the defence of the Holmeses. They may be the greatest frauds for what I know or care. My only purpose is to know for a certainty to whom I am indebted for my share of ridicule— small as it may be, luckily for me.

If we Spiritualists are to be laughed and scoffed at and ridiculed and sneered at, we ought to know at least the reason why.

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Either there was a fraud or there was none. If the fraud is a sad reality, and Dr. Child by some mysterious combination of his personal cruel fate has fallen the first victim to it, after having proved himself so anxious for the sake of his honour and character to stop at once the further progress of such a deceit on a public that had hitherto looked on him alone as the party responsible for the perfect integrity and genuineness of a phenomenon so fully endorsed by him in all particulars, why does not the doctor come out the first and help us to the clue of all this mystery?

Well aware of the fact that the swindled and defrauded parties can at any day assert their rights to the restitution of moneys laid out by them solely on the ground of their entire faith in him they had trusted, why does he not sue the Holmeses and so prove his own innocence? He cannot but admit that in the eyes of some initiated parties, his cause looks far more ugly as it now stands than the accusation under which the Holmeses vainly struggle.

Or, if there was no fraud , or if it is not fully proved, as it cannot well be on the shallow testimony of a nameless woman signing documents. Was not Dr. Child the institutor, the promulgator, and we may say the creator of what proves to have been but a bogus phenomenon, after all? Was not lie the advertising agent of this incarnated humbug—the Barnum of this spiritual show? And now that he has helped to fool not only Spiritualists but the world at large, whether as a confederate himself or one of the weak-minded fools—no matter, so long as it is demonstrated that it was he that helped us to this scrape—he imagines that by helping to accuse the mediums, and expose the fraud, by fortifying with his endorsement all manner of bogus affidavits and illegal certificates from non-existing parties, he hopes to find himself henceforth perfectly clear of responsibility to the persons he has dragged after him into this infamous swamp!

We must demand a legal investigation. We have the right to insist upon it, for we Spiritualists have bought this right at a dear price: with the life-long reputation of Mr.


Owen as an able and reliable writer and trustworthy witness of the phenomena, who may henceforth be regarded as a doubted and ever-ridiculed visionary by sceptical wise-acres. We have bought this right with the prospect that all of us, whom Dr. Child has unwittingly or otherwise time will prove it fooled into belief in his Katie King, will become for a time the butts for end-less raillery, satires and jokes from the press and ignorant masses.

We regret to feel obliged to contradict on this point such an authority in all matters as The Daily Graphic , but if orthodox laymen rather decline to see this fraud thoroughly investigated in a court of justice for fear of the Holmeses becoming entitled to the crown of martyrs, we have no such fear as that, and repeat with Mr. Why in the name of all that is wonderful should Dr. Child have all the laurels of this unfought battle, in which the attacked army seems for ever doomed to be defeated without so much as a struggle?

Why should he have all the material benefit of this materialized humbug, and R. Owen, an honest Spiritualist, whose name is universally respected, have all the kicks and thumps of the sceptical press? Is this fair and just? How long shall we Spiritualists be turned over like so many scapegoats to the unbelievers by cheating mediums and speculating prophets? Like some modern shepherd Paris, Mr.


Whilom Magic - Destiny Given Book 2 of Whilom Magic Pricilla is flipping back and forth between Whilom and Assiah without control, and beginning to forget. Whilom Magic - Destiny Given: Leslie Kay Wooddavis: Books - giuliettasprint.konfer.eu

Owen fell a. But the Homer of the Philadelphia Iliad, the one who has appeared in the past as the elegiac poet and biographer of that same Helen, and who appears in the present kindling up the spark of doubt against the Holmeses, till, if not speedily quenched, it might become a roaring ocean of flames—he that plays at this present hour the unparalleled part of a chief justice presiding at his own trial and deciding in his own case-—Dr.

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Child, we say, turning back on the spirit daughter of his own creation, and backing the mortal, illegitimate off spring furnished by somebody, is left unmolested! Only fancy, while R.

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  • [OTA] A collection of poems in six volumes. By several hands: With notes. [pt.4].

Owen is fairly crushed under the ridicule of the exposure, Dr. If ever I may hope to get a chance of having my advice accepted by some one anxious to clear up all this sickening story, I would insist that the whole matter be forced into a real court of justice and unriddled before a jury. If Dr.


Who can doubt that such clever machinery, fitted in such a way as to baffle frequent and close examinations on the part of the sceptics, requires an experienced mechanic of more than ordinary ability? Further, unless well paid, he could hardly be bound to secrecy. Who paid him?

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Is it Holmes out of his ten-dollar nightly fee? We ought to ascertain it. Child has endorsed the perjury. We regret that he should endorse the statements of the former as rashly as he accepted the fact of her materialization.

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Child in consequence of some prophetic vision, maybe invited Mrs. Owen in the presence of all the company. The Spiritualists were jubilant that night, and the doctor the most triumphant of them all. Many are the witnesses ready to testify to the fact, but Dr. Child, when questioned, seems to have entirely forgotten this important occurrence. Let him come out and swear to it, so that we will all see his great resemblance to the defunct warrior. Let them produce the dresses. Can she tell us where she got the shining robes of the second and third spheres?

Can she name the house and parties with whom she lodged and boarded at Blissfield, Michigan? When all the above questions are answered and demonstrated to our satisfaction, then, and only then, shall we believe that the Holmeses are the only guilty parties to a fraud, which, for its consummate rascality and brazenness, is unprecedented in the annals of Spiritualism.

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I have read some of Mr. One of the most modest of the paragraphs runs thus:. Oh, Katie King! Remember, the above is addressed to the woman who pretends to have personated the spirit of whom R. Owen wrote thus:. I particularly noticed this evening the ease and harmony of her motions. In Naples, luring five years, I frequented a circle famed for courtly demeanour; but never in the best-bred lady of rank accosting her visitors, have I seen Katie out-rivalled. A well-known artist of Philadelphia, after examining Katie, said to me that he had seldom seen features exhibiting more classic beauty.

Fancy an ideal of classic beauty and grace crooking her elbow in a lager beer saloon, and—judge for yourselves! I have been waiting patiently for the excitement in reference to the Holmes fraud to subside a little. I will now make some further statements and answer some questions.

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The stories of my acquaintance with Mrs. White are all fabrications. I shall not notice the various reports put forth about my pecuniary relations farther than to say there is a balance due to me for money loaned to the Holmeses.

Thirteenth Book

At this noyso the two Fryers awaked, and wondred to see the whole roome so full of smoake ; but that being vanished, they might perceive the Brazen Head broken and lying on the ground. Then the national election took place; and the administration, with a vote of renewed confidence from the country, addressed itself to the matter more seriously. God is, bath byn, and shall be her protector uid deliverer! The aged priest still sat, immobile, at his post, and the tall monk reclined as motionless upon his divan. First edition, Near Fine condition. He related the sad tale of the destruction of his library and apparatus by an ignorant mob, which had broken into his house immediately after his departure from England, ex- cited by the rumours of his strange magical practices. Such contributions, together with the buying of land and various other enterprises, showed that the ex-slave was han- dling some free capital already.

I claim the right to answer the above three quotations, the more so that the second one consigns me most unceremoniously to the ranks of the liars. Now if there is, in my humble judgment, anything more contemptible than a cheat, it is certainly a liar. The rest of this letter, editorial, or whatever it may be, is unanswerable, for reasons that will be easily understood by whoever reads it. Pancks in Littie Dorrit spanked the benevolent Christopher Casby, this venerable patriarch only mildly lifted up his blue eyes heavenward, and smiled more benignly than ever.

Child, tossed about and as badly spanked by public opinion, smiles as sweetly as Mr. For my part, since I came to Philadelphia, I have seen little but slush and dirt; slush in the streets, and dirt in this exasperating Katie King mystery. I would strongly advise Dr. What I say I can prove, and am ever willing to do so at any day.

In the article in question he says:. I did let her in two or three times, but the entry and hall were so dark that it was impossible to recognize her or any one. I have seen her several times, and knew that she looked more like Katie King than Mr.