Theory and Research in Behavioral Pediatrics: Volume 2

JMIR Publications
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James Beard, MD—Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics

Meine Mediathek Hilfe Erweiterte Buchsuche. Springer Shop Amazon. Theory and Research in Behavioral Pediatrics , Band 2. Hiram E. Volume I of Theory and Research in Behavioral Pediatrics focused on issues of early human development, with special emphasis given to assessment of the preterm infant and to factors inftuencing the organization of the caregiver infant relationship. Chapters in Volume 2 cover a broader range of topics and encompass a wider age span.

Understanding the gap between cognitive abilities and daily living skills in adolescents with autism spectrum disorders with average intelligence. Subcategories of restricted and repetitive behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorders. Am J Psychiatry. Building social skills: Working with adolescents with ASD in clinics, schools, and the community.

Social Work with Groups. Scofield J, Williams A. Word learning in the absence of a speaker: Applications of the principles of mutual exclusivity and taxonomy. First Language. New York: Guilford. Word learning in the absence of a speaker. She is currently conducting research on ways to improve utilization of early intervention services among young children entering foster care.

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Early childhood development; autism spectrum disorders; learning difficulties; developmental and behavioral health needs of children in foster care. Anna J. Esbensen, PhD Anna J. Esbensen, PhD, is a clinical psychologist who studies the lifespan development and health care of individuals with Down syndrome. She also studies the mental health of individuals with intellectual disability. Email anna. Lifespan development of down syndrome; health care of individuals with down syndrome; development of depressive symptomatology among individuals with intellectual disability.

Esbensen AJ.

Bestselling Series

Volume I of Theory and Research in Behavioral Pediatrics focused on issues of early human development, with special emphasis given to assessment of the. Available in: Hardcover. Volume I of Theory and Research in Behavioral Pediatrics focused on issues of early human development, with special emphasis .

Health conditions associated with aging and end of life of adults with Down syndrome. Int Rev Res Ment Retard.

Health Behavior: Theory, Research, and Practice, 5th Edition

Comparisons between individuals with autism spectrum disorders and individuals with Down syndrome in adulthood. Am J Intellect Dev Disabil. A longitudinal investigation of psychotropic and non-psychotropic medication use among adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorders. Age-related differences in restricted repetitive behaviors in autism spectrum disorders. Stability and change in health, functional abilities, and behavior problems among adults with and without Down syndrome.

Am J Ment Retard. Factors predicting mortality in midlife adults with and without Down syndrome living with family.

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J Intellect Disabil Res. Disclosure of positive HIV serostatus by men who have sex with men to family and friends over time.

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An evaluation of Beck's cognitive theory of depression in adults with intellectual disability. Relationships between facial discrimination and social adjustment in mental retardation. A prospective analysis of life events, problem behaviours and depression in adults with intellectual disability. Tanya E. Her research focuses on attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD , and has approached the disorder from the vantage points of epidemiology, etiology, and treatment. Currently, she is principal investigator on an R01 grant investigating methylphenidate effects in children with ADHD, including predictors and moderators of methylphenidate response.

She also studies the contribution of environmental exposures e. In addition, Dr. Currently, she is the principal investigator on an NIMH-funded R01 aimed at characterizing effects of abrupt methylphenidate discontinuation, including evaluating genetic and phenotypic moderators of effect. Froehlich has a strong interest in interprofessional training and mentoring. She is site principal investigator for a state-funded grant whose mission is train professionals from a variety of disciplines to provide enhanced care for families on Ohio Medicaid, with a special emphasis on care of developmental and mental health conditions.

Froehlich is also supervisor for a Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities LEND interdisciplinary project which focuses on elucidating the needs of families in homeless shelters. Furthermore, Dr.

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Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. Environmental Research. Environmental Health. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. National Human Genomic Research Institute. Neurobehavioral Effects of Methylphenidate Treatment. National Institutes of Mental Health. Using fMRI analysis methods, she characterizes the neural circuits related to executive functions, oral language and reading in children and examines the effect of different interventions on these neural circuits.

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Horowitz-Kraus' lab website. Email tzipi. Neuroimaging; brain development; cognitive development; reading; dyslexia; reading difficulties; executive functions; attention; functional MRI; functional connectivity; EEG. Her PhD focused on characterizing event-related potentials in children and adults with dyslexia and learning disabilities.

Research Faculty

After her completion of her PhD, Dr. Horowitz-Kraus conducted post-doctoral research at the University of Haifa and was the leader of school-based projects in Israel. In this project, she determined behavioral and electroencephalographic measures following intervention programs for children with learning disabilities as well as studies aimed at developing objective measures to assess the effectiveness of interventions for children with reading difficulties. In , Dr. Horowitz-Kraus was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship and moved to the United States to join the Pediatric Neuroimaging Research Consortium at Cincinnati Children's to continue post-doctoral research using advanced neuroimaging tools including fMRI, DTI and EEG to better understand the role of executive functions in reading and in children with reading disabilities in order to develop more effective interventions.

Nachshona O, Horowitz-Kraus T. Emotional challenges are linked to cognitive-control and reading deficits in children with reading difficulties. Acta Pediatrica. Creating a screener for children with reading difficulties. Cerebral Cortex. Twait E, Horowitz-Kraus T. Functional connectivity of cognitive control and visual regions during verb generation is related to improved reading in children. Brain Connectivity. Altered association between executive functions and reading and math fluency tasks in children with reading difficulties compared to typical readers. Functional connectivity of executive functions networks during a Stroop task in children with reading difficulties.

Decreased functional connectivity of the salience network during narrative comprehension in children with reading difficulties: an fMRI study. Neuroimage Clinical.