Women, Work and Computing

Gender disparity in computing
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The changing role of women in British computing

Curators' Corner. Ask Smithsonian. Photos Submit to Our Contest. Photo of the Day. Video Ingenuity Awards. Smithsonian Channel. Video Contest. Games Daily Sudoku. Universal Crossword. Daily Word Search. Adults can bolster their resolve by providing examples of strong, successful females thriving in their careers. Whether by creating a mentorship program at the secondary or postsecondary level, bringing in speakers, or using female leaders as case studies, educators and parents can instill confidence in girls who pursue careers in historically male-dominated fields.

Women in Computer Science | giuliettasprint.konfer.eu

As discussed in the previous section, the number of women in computer science and related degrees dropped sharply in the s in response to male-focused marketing for home computers. In the interim years, women have shifted to subjects typically classified under humanities or liberal arts, as explained by Forbes. Rather than pure programming, its introductory computer science course has been reworked to focus on creative problem solving and opportunities within the field. The school also made classes less intimidating by splitting the course into two sections based on incoming students' prior programming experience.

As the push to encourage more girls' to work in computer science gains momentum, a number of programs have been created to help foster interest. Some of the most innovative include:. Whether operating at the middle school, high school, or collegiate level, these groups can be pivotal in encouraging and sustaining girls' pursuit of computer science careers. Outside of the organizations mentioned above, there are a number of other initiatives to engage girls in computer science. Whether it's a competition, summer camp, science fair, massive open online course MOOC , or government program, the resources below help parents and educators think outside the box when encouraging girls in scientific pursuits.

This organization hosts a computer science and technology competition in which middle school girls develop a project to solve a social problem, and includes a project mentor. This global technology program emphasizes entrepreneurship. Girls in middle school, high school, or college can compete to create and launch a mobile app during a three-month curriculum.

Students are matched with female mentors and get to present their apps to investors via YouTube. Finalists pitch their ideas in Silicon Valley. This experiential summer camp created by the American Association of University Women is for middle school girls. The program seeks to make STEM topics both interesting and accessible during the developmental period, where research shows that girls' interest in these subjects tends to drop the most.

This weeklong summer camp is designed to help girls see that STEM subjects can be fun and meaningful, starting at a young age. Since careers in these industries are not well publicized, students have preconceived notions about the type of work available to computer science graduates. A great way to learn about computer science career options is through MOOCs, which are free, abbreviated online courses that provide introductory curriculum materials to students across the world.

High schools often take advantage of these courses, especially in areas where there are few teachers available. Teachers hope that familiarizing high school students with computer science will encourage them to pursue it in postsecondary programs and careers. The U. Many states have also created initiatives to engage local middle and high school girls. Some of these innovative programs are listed below.

A report from the American Association of University women verified those numbers, noting that mentorship is an important tool for instilling confidence in girls pursuing STEM-related fields. Below is a review of American colleges with the highest percentages of women computer science graduates and takes a deeper look at how their programs attract and retain female students. Parents, educators or students seeking mentorship programs for computer science education or careers can check out the following pioneering initiatives:.

These school rankings are based off the latest data pulled from the Institute of Education Sciences regarding male and female graduates of computer science programs. Only four-year programs were included in the list, and schools with fewer than 50 computer science graduates were removed. We then compared graduation rates for female students in each program with national averages to determine program rankings.

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OU's computer science department consists of more than 30 PhD-level faculty members with experience in electrical engineering and computer science, and backgrounds ranging from government agencies to industrial facilities. FIT focuses on ensuring its students graduate with more than just a degree; they leave school with a portfolio that will impress future employers. The school features undergraduate research programs and internships, providing invaluable experience as well as bolstering student resumes.

In addition, students can take advantage of networking and career opportunities by joining the FIT chapters of:.

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Rather than pure programming, its introductory computer science course has been reworked to focus on creative problem solving and opportunities within the field. According to NPR , personal computers were marketed almost exclusively to men and families were more likely to buy computers for boys than girls. Student resources include:. Computer programming once had much better gender balance than it does today. I asked my dad the same question the next day during brunch and he said being in Canada and a professor, he knew it was going to be a great field to be in. But Babbage never managed to build his computer, and Lovelace, who died of cancer at 36, never saw her code executed. The disproportionate number of startups in the computing industry, and the disproportionate hiring of primarily young workers, have created an environment in which many firms' technical teams consist largely of workers who are recent college graduates, sometimes giving the businesses fraternity-like cultures, leading to sexism that discourages female participation.

In addition to coursework at St. Leo, students can participate in innovative internship programs. The department is focused on ensuring graduates have marketable skills, including:. The CS program at PSU is divided into two phases: the first focuses on modern computer concepts such as programming languages and efficient programming. The second phase focuses on data structures, program languages and computing systems in greater detail.

PSU ranks fifth in the nation for computer science citations within academic papers and ranks eighth in the nation for computer science expenditures. Aside from providing cutting edge coursework, CWU is heavily focused on equipping students to enter the workforce quickly and easily. They regularly releases a newsletter to keep students, parents and staff members informed of the latest industry trends and departmental happenings.

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Women in computing have shaped the evolution of information technology. They were among Lepaute continued to work on computing for the rest of her life, working for the Connaissance de Temps and publishing predictions of solar. Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace ( –), was a gifted mathematician and a computing pioneer. She is mainly remembered for her work on the.

In addition, they provide:. The curriculum is known for being both flexible and intensive, preparing students to be successful and competitive in a variety of industries and positions.

Computer Programming Used To Be Women’s Work

Faculty and alumni are recognized for significant research contributions in areas of:. Many students at UW participate in faculty research, internships, co-ops and focused study abroad trips related to their major. The program is also available as a minor. The computer science department at Baker is informed by working industry professionals in charge of continuous course material updates. In addition to class-based materials, the department puts heavy emphasis on providing real-world opportunities through hands-on training and educational experiences.

Why Are There So Few Women in Computer Science?

The John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University is home to a dynamic computer science department that regularly pushes the boundaries of modern research. Department-wide goals include increasing accessibility to computer science and attracting students from outside the discipline. Primary areas of research include:. The degree is multidisciplinary in nature, allowing students to create an individualized program tailored to their future career aspirations.

Over undergraduates call the computer science department home, taking advantage of scholarships, fellowships, internships and numerous clubs, including the Association for Computing Machinery and Upsilon Pi Epsilon. In addition to required coursework, students also take 12 hours of concentrated study outside the department to create a holistic learning experience.

Electives are available in a number of areas, including:. Focused on creating graduates prepared to fill in-demand regional roles, USC Upstate gives its students hands-on access to the technology powering South Carolina's industry. The computer science degree gives students a more technical education focusing on preparation for graduate work, while the computer information systems track provides a more business oriented focus.

The school partners with major manufacturing corporation to offer students competitive internships, including:. In , the computer science department at UN Reno reformatted its curriculum to combine its computer science and computer engineering majors into a single degree. Focused on using computer science to solve societal problems, the move allowed them to better address industry demands and create more well-rounded graduates. Student resources include:. A definite high flyer.

In , she was awarded the National Medal of Technology which is the highest honour within engineering and technology the United States have.

She was the first woman to receive the award and did not stop working and sharing her knowledge until the day she died in aged She earned her stripes at google as an executive and key spokeswoman for the search engine giant. She attended Stanford University, graduating with honours in symbolic systems and and in computer science.

Historical and societal influences

In , the Illinois Institute of Technology granted Mayer an honoris causa doctorate degree in recognition of her work in the field of search. Her biggest and most noted achievement to date is her work on interactive and zero proofs which serve to allow secure transmission of information over the internet.

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She manages her high profile job alongside bringing up her family.