The political geography of the Yucatan Maya

Yucatan Peninsula
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They were located in what until then had been unexplored section of the uninhabited and densely forested Calakmul Biosphere Reserve.

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However, since 1, when this culture collapsed nothing happened there, except for the destructive natural elements. Focussing on the northern section of the LiDAR scanned area, the team discovered small-sized pyramid structures, many residential structures, ceramics and stone artefacts.

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This is something that could not last and led to the disaster in the 9th and 10th centuries. Next year they plan to explore the south section of the scanned area. These events might have included feasts, celebrations, diplomatic occasions, and receiving tribute from vassal states. By the time the Maya reached their Classic Era, they had a well-developed political system. Renowned archaeologist Joyce Marcus believes that by the Late Classic era, the Maya had a four-tiered political hierarchy.

The Ancient Maya - Geography

At the top were the king and his administration in major cities like Tikal , Palenque, or Calakmul. These kings would be immortalized on stelae, their great deeds recorded forever.

National Geographic Documentary - The Maya: The Lost Civilization [Documentary 2015]

Following the main city were a small group of vassal city-states, with lesser nobility or a relative of the Ahau in charge: these rulers did not merit stelae. After that were affiliated villages, large enough to have rudimentary religious buildings and ruled by minor nobility. The fourth tier consisted of hamlets, which were all or mostly residential and devoted to agriculture. Although the Maya were never a unified empire like the Incas or Aztecs, the city-states nevertheless had much contact.

This contact facilitated cultural exchange, making the Maya much more unified culturally than politically. Trade was common. The Maya traded in prestige items like obsidian, gold, feathers, and jade.


THE POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE YUCATAN MAYA. Publication [ Ralph L. ROYS] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The political geography of the Yucatan Maya [Ralph Loveland Roys] on Amazon. com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.

They also traded in food items, particularly in later eras as the major cities grew too large to support their population. Warfare was also common: skirmishes to take slaves and victims for sacrifice were common, and all-out wars not unheard of. Tikal was defeated by rival Calakmul in , causing a century-long hiatus in its power before it reached its former glory once again. The powerful city of Teotihuacan, just north of present-day Mexico City, wielded great influence on the Mayan world and even replaced the ruling family of Tikal in favor of one more friendly to their city.

The Classic Era was the height of the Mayan civilization culturally, politically, and militarily.

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Between A. The reasons the Mayan society fell are still a mystery, but theories abound. As the Maya civilization grew, warfare between city-states grew as well: entire cities were attacked, defeated, and destroyed. The peninsula is largely a low, flat, limestone tableland rising to c. To the north and west the plain continues as the Campeche Bank, stretching under shallow water c. Along the NW coast are is the ancient, buried Chicxulub crater, an impact site associated with the mass extinction in which the dinosaurs died out. The eastern coast rises in low cliffs in the north and is indented by bays and paralleled by islands and cays in the south; Cozumel is the largest island.

Short ranges of hills cross the peninsula at scattered intervals. Climate In the northern half of the tableland, rainfall is light and is absorbed by the porous limestone. Water for people and livestock comes from underground rivers and wells cenotes from which it is often pumped by windmills, and from surface pools aguadas. The land has tropical dry and rainy seasons, but generally in the north the climate is hot and dry, and in the south hot and humid.

The peninsula is subject to hurricanes. Economy Most of the northern half, although covered with only a few inches of subsoil, is one of the most important henequen-raising regions of the world; the uncultivated area is under a dense growth of scrub, cactus, sapote wood, and mangrove thickets.

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In the cacique, Don Pedro Cocom, was accused of attending a human sacrifice with some Cehpech dignitaries and the cacique of Texiol Scholes and Adams, , He was succeeded by Juan Chulim, who was governor and cacique in Nauat. One was Chakan, where the towns of rpo- barrio, of a town. I believe, however, that the Timucuy people probably lived where the town now is, wn now is, but went to church at Acanceh. By Alonso was succeeded by a Diego Xiu, apparently a distant cousin were living after the middle of the sixteenth century. In a wall stones typical of late Classic architecture. They have their own carnival and celebrate their own "Juan" separately.

Subsistence crops, tobacco, and cotton also are grown. Many of the peninsula's fine beaches and archaeological sites have been developed for tourism, which is a significant part of the peninsula's economy.

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By the early years of the 21st cent. The battling with the Maya began in by Francisco de Montejo and continued until , when his son, Francisco de Montejo the younger, crushed the revolt of a coalition of Mayan groups. Mayan resistance to Spanish and later Mexican rule perpetuated into the early 20th cent. Bibliography See F. Blom, The Conquest of Yucatan ; E. Moseley and E. Terry, ed.

Jones, Maya Resistance to Spanish Rule It lies between Campeche and Quintana Roo.


The principal industry is tourism and the cultivation and preparation of henequen—mostly exported to the United States.