The Palgrave Handbook of Prison Ethnography

Prisons and State Building: Promoting ‘The Fiasco of the Prison’ in a Global Context
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The book is the direct result of a symposium held at The Open University in September The chilling effect of an eclipse may simply have been gathering pace, she cautions, before embracing the renewal of ethnographic engagement she finds in the book. Editing a major international collection of papers on prison ethnography involves wrestling with the porous methodological boundaries of ethnography.

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The Palgrave Handbook of Prison Ethnography reveals a diversity of both prison form and ethnographic method. Collectively the chapters demonstrate what ethnography can do and why it is such a highly valued form of sociological inquiry. The authors tell stories of prison life with vivid detail gathered by a determination to remain sensitive to the little things that reveal a lot, and that are often missed by other forms of qualitative inquiry. One of the criticisms levelled at the grandiose sweep of theorists like Loic Wacquant and David Garland is that they present a picture of globalizing trends in neo-liberal penality that fail to address the S.

Pushing the boundaries of prison ethnography

American experience where radical and socialist governments, elected on popular mandates, have refused to align themselves in the global currents of neo-liberalism they describe. America complex penal politics arise from dynamics that are far from neo-liberal, and the absence of ethnographic accounts of them in this collection is to be lamented. It is all the more regrettable in light of the fact that two such accounts were given at the symposium in , by Sacha Darke and Chris Garces but could not, for various reasons, be included in our edited collection. In other respects however, the collection succeeds in displacing the concentration of Anglophone penal scholarship on the prisons of the richer countries of the North and the West.

The Palgrave Handbook of Prison Ethnography gives the reader glimpses of other worlds through their prisons. In many cases the writers have drawn from longer, richer and more detailed accounts — their full ethnographies.


These must not be neglected. They must not be eclipsed by this collection, wonderful as it is.


Keywords: Prisons, Kyrgyzstan, Substance use disorders, Therapeutic community, Opioid agonist treatment, People who inject drugs. Paolo Massimo Buscema. When finally the authorization arrived, it had very strict conditions. As such, methadone was viewed as a means to prevent HIV transmission, but not as an effective treatment for opioid addiction. These Atlantis programs differ in each facility by virtue of whether participants are housed privately from other prisoners.

The convict paused and surveyed the compound yard around us, as if to confirm that he was indeed talking about the prison. There is no beer or tobacco, no women. Duplicate citations. The following articles are merged in Scholar. Their combined citations are counted only for the first article.

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Editors: Drake, Deborah H., Earle, Rod, Sloan, J. (Eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Prison Ethnography provides an expansive overview of the challenges presented by qualitative, and particularly ethnographic, enquiry. In an era of mass incarceration, human-centric ethnography. The Palgrave Handbook of Prison Ethnography provides an expansive overview of the challenges presented by qualitative, and particularly ethnographic.

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Senior Lecturer, The Open University. Verified email at open. Articles Cited by.