Shining Path: Terror and Revolution in Peru

Shining Path, Tupac Amaru (Peru, leftists)
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He visited the Peoples Republic of China in the mids and his collection of inchoate ideas was profoundly influenced by Maoist theories, which became the basis of the ideological foundations of the Shining Path. In , he launched his campaign to overthrow the Peruvian government.

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  6. Shining Path and the Marxist Left | SpringerLink.

As a result of a series of clandestine meetings, Shining Path officials established a military school to teach young recruits military tactics and weaponry use. At first, Shining Path was successful in many of its endeavors because the Lima authorities were beset by organizational instability, corruption, and were ill-prepared to fight the internal war that would foreshadow the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent villagers caught in the middle of the struggle. The Revolution Begins: Shining Path formally initiated its uprising against the Peruvian government in after decades of inequality and marginality immiserated the peasantry.

Shining Path initially based its headquarters in the mountainous region of Ayacucho and Huanta, to the remote regions around the central selva and south of Vilcabamba the site of the last Inca resistance. Characteristically, it launched attacks on agricultural areas in the Upper Huallaga Valley and the southern part of Puno, which also helped to sever any lingering urban ties for its recruits.

Guzman played the role of all-powerful military and spiritual leader of his organization; in this sense, Shining Path was organized as a hierarchical cult rather than on a cell-based model. Buying and Selling: Similar to the FARC in Colombia and other revolutionary insurgencies, Shining Path in part funded its operations through the process of narcotrafficking, ransoms from kidnapping and forced taxes on small businesses and individuals.

Shining Path also required Colombian dealers and buyers operating locally to pay higher than prevailing prices for raw coca in return for protection and the opportunity to buy weapons from them. Today, on a much smaller scale, Shining Path is attempting to revive and re-establish such a financial relationship. It has been listed by U. In , Shining Path ranked 41 on the U. Initially, Shining Path targeted local authorities mayors, governors and mid-level bureaucrats police barracks, and local political leaders.

However, experts believe that by , the group gradually began to target wealthy peasants and state agency heads with violence and the threat of abduction, as well as launched comparable attacks against left-wing activists, grass-roots organizers, and left-liberal intellectuals. This change in strategy eventually proved counterproductive for the insurgents because they were not able to capture the hearts and minds of the average Peruvian by their violent tactics.

Instead, villagers were subject to the unremitting brutality by Shining Path and were unprotected by the military and intelligence services. Both the first Alan Garcia administration and his successor, Alberto Fujimori, used intimidation to tromp out local citizens. Peruvian Citizens Caught in the Middle: There is no doubt that the average Peruvian often experienced traumatic brutality from both government forces and Shining Path.

The U. Department of State, among other sources, determined that the combined death total caused by several decades of conflict reached at least 70, The total death toll from the beginning of the uprising in to , just before the decade-long conflict under Fujimori, can be found in a study conducted by DESCO, in which fatalities attributed to the conflict between the government and Shining Path have been carefully scrutinized. This includes casualties inflicted upon ordinary Peruvian citizens, government personnel and security forces, as well as Shining Path recruits.

In the early years of the revolution, Shining Path was estimated to have ten to fifteen-thousand members; with its recruitment efforts targeted at the most poverty stricken areas of the country and in the Quechua-speaking part of the highlands. A key factor contributing to the large number of resulting fatalities in the uprising was that the government found it difficult to distinguish between a Shining Path member and an ordinary inhabitant of the Altiplano, because of the similar native attire.

In this account, people were reported as being arrested just 24 hours after the announcement was made. Ordinary citizens were forced to pay the price, as the then Peruvian leader earned the well-deserved reputation for tolerating human rights abuses. Under Garcia and Fujimori, the country again found itself caught in the middle of mounting ideological strife and was made to suffer severe human rights abuses from both Shining Path and government forces. Shining Path singled out the poor, indigenous populations, whose interests it disingenuously claimed to have at heart.

Origins of Terrorism in Peru

It forced farmers to slash production to subsistence levels and to destroy whatever modern farm equipment the campesinos possessed. In addition, Shining Path imposed puritanical regulations that outlawed fiestas and prohibited drinking as part of a strategy of strong-arming local populations into submission and self-abnegation.

Because of the preservation of the ayllu , an indigenous community structure, the Indians of Peru maintained a systematic means of preserving their traditions, heritage, and culture. It was this confluence of political, economic, and social phenomena that created the framework in which the semi-feudal state of Peru could endure until the agrarian reforms beginning in When the international communist movement divided into pro-Beijing and pro-Moscow factions during the early s, the PCP followed suit.

Until , the Shining Path consolidated, studied, and created a five-point action plan defining their future course against the government.

Reinterpreting the Treatment of the Rural Population by Peru's "Shining Path" - Inquiries Journal

The early years of the Sendero Luminoso involved the reorganization of the party through strengthening ideological understanding. Moreover, this developing relationship between the Shining Path and rural indigenous peasants is based in the historically conserved economic system of gamonalismo that should have ended in with non-effective agrarian reforms. Alongside this mariateguismo , the party in the s fixated on Maoist teachings which would ostensibly provide new applications to improving the economic conditions created in the wake of the recent reforms to gamonal land ownership.

However, what began as mutual support and advocacy between the indigenous peasantry and the Shining Path would later unravel, resulting in massive abuses of power by the Sendero toward those it outwardly claimed to protect. Between and , the Sendero focused on strengthening itself with the establishment of supply networks, amassing arms and militant power, and developing social connections to the primarily indigenous rural populations; it did this in order to directly oppose the Peruvian military.

Peru essential

The Shining Path originally projected moralism in its practices which soon become progressively self-serving as the party moved toward a new phase of action in This image of the Shining Path in the early period of its war appeared to seek ways of providing previously unmet economic needs of the peasant population and the social needs of the indigenous population.

Along with the propaganda by which the party depicted itself, this led many young peasants to be drawn to the party. Yet, this period was short lived. Eliab Erulkar.


Winter : Ryan Dube and John Lyons. The Programmatic Principles of the Socialist Party. Marisol de la Cadena. Ibid, Lewis Taylor. Ibid, 5. Eliab Elrukar. Ibid, 6. Max Manwaring.


Ponciano del Pino. Florencia E. Stiefer, A.

Peru's Shining Path: Revolution's End

Shining Path: Terror and Revolution in Peru [Simon Strong] on * FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. A detailed account of Peru's Shining Path. The Communist Party of Peru – Shining Path more commonly known as the Shining Path (Spanish: Sendero Luminoso), is a communist revolutionary organization in Peru espousing Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. the general public, the Shining Path is regarded as a terrorist organization by Peru, Japan, the United States.

Stiefer, Auston. Inquiries Journal [Online], 9. The newsletter highlights recent selections from the journal and useful tips from our blog.

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Peru's Shining Path: Revolution's End

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